Women-led startups are concerned about falling behind during the tech downturn.

Experts predict that women will struggle to raise funds even more than usual.

Women-led startups are concerned about falling behind during the tech downturn.

Members of Canada's tech community are concerned that the sector's recent downturn will exacerbate the burden on female founders.

TORONTO, ONTARIO — Members of Canada's tech community are concerned that the sector's recent downturn will exacerbate the burden on female founders, who have long trailed their male counterparts in fundraising.

Their concerns come as the global technology sector suffers from reduced spending as consumers return to pre-pandemic habits. The sector is also dealing with widespread layoffs, falling valuations, and founders struggling to raise capital as investor enthusiasm fades.


"One investor put it this way: 'It's a bloodbath out there,' but... the way I would put it is that the fundraising environment went to hell in a handbasket," says Caitlin MacGregor, founder of Waterloo, Ont.-based Plum.


She's been pitching a new round of funding since September, after previously raising $11 million. While she is confident she will raise the funds she requires, she and others believe many women will struggle even more than usual to accomplish the same feat.

"Women get a smaller percentage of available capital, and as that capital shrinks, the portion that goes to women shrinks even more," says MacGregor.

"This means that the percentage of companies that will fail because they did not receive funding will increase."

Briefed is a data firm based in Waterloo, Ontario. In 2021, when the market was still soaring, Canadian tech companies received $14 billion across 701 deals, indicating that businesses expected their massive pandemic growth to continue. By 2022, investment activity had dropped to $9.7 billion across 417 transactions.

This year has so far generated $176.9 million in investments across eight transactions, but many believe 2023 will end even lower than last — and if current trends continue, women will receive only a small portion of the available cash.


Women-owned businesses received only 2.3 percent of all venture capital (VC) funding available globally in 2020, down from 2.8 percent in 2019.

"The current market situation is not going to help," says Rhiannon Davies, general partner at Sandpiper Ventures, a Halifax-based seed stage venture capital fund that only invests in Canadian companies led by women.

She noticed a rush of capital, competitive deals, and huge valuations early in the pandemic, resulting in companies going public and investors achieving lofty exits.


The frenzied market increased investments in women and other under-represented founders, but Davies said it was proportionate to the overall funding wave.

"The ratios are not changing fast enough. "We're not changing the dial," she explained.

"There is still a tendency to make token investments in women's technology rather than a genuine shift to say this is the direction we need to go."

Many attribute those token investments to funders putting money behind people they already know or companies that have followed the same path as others in which they have previously invested successfully. Others believe that prominent schools, employers, or incubators that have previously produced successful companies and are listed on a founder's resume can also influence funding decisions.

Davies describes it as investors "clinging to what they know" and "repeating the same patterns."

MacGregor refers to this as "implicit bias."

"They're looking at whether this person has worked at a tech company or in the industry in which they're launching a company, whether they've raised funds before, and whether they've successfully exited a business before." She stated.

"A lot of the time, when women are starting out, they don't necessarily fit the pattern right out of the gate."

They're also less likely to pitch investors who look like them. According to the National Angel Capital Organization, women made up only 19.4 percent of Canadian VC partners in 2019 and 27 percent of Canadian angel investors in 2021.


According to research from the Silicon Valley-based Kauffman Fellows Program, female founders are twice as likely to invest in a female-led startup.

To address the lack of funding, several venture capital funds focus solely on women-led businesses, but Davies says they are inundated with hundreds of requests and can often only fund a dozen.

"There is tremendous demand, but it takes a tremendous amount of work for an investor to truly effectively evaluate and not leave any founder out."

When Toronto entrepreneur Liza Akhvledziani launched rent payment platform Chexy in late 2021, she had little success in courting funds aimed at female founders.

"Perhaps it's because they're overburdened with demand from other female founders and there are just fewer of them," she speculated.

She eventually received funding from early-stage investor Antler, but finding someone to hand over cash was a "grind" before that.

Akhvledziani believes her difficulty stems from the recent market downturn, which has exacerbated Canada's overall lack of funding and resistance to backing early-stage companies.

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